01 November 2004

ally mcbeal songs

i was watching this show while waiting for my folks to finish getting ready to go out. it was a good episode. the one where ally and larry (played by robert downey jr.) go on their first official date. i like him in general. the character for her, and him as an actor... (gonna get sidetracked, stopping myself).

anyway, i remember the first season this tv show came out, you could NOT interrupt anyone watching it when it was on. no phone calls made or taken. and everyone understood this unwritten law. at least everyone i knew. and everyone my cousins and aunt knew. that's a pretty big group of people who would put everything on hold for ally, then after the show started up again. good times with the cousins at my ninangs house. :)

in almost every episode, vonda sings a song in the final minutes. this one, i particularly like. the rhythm and the way it is sung, with soul. galing. and OF COURSE, me being myself, one of the lines struck me. it goes...

ain't it funny how you're walking through life and it turns on a dime?

hey. hey. hey.


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