14 October 2004

what a day! (in detail)

this day reinforces another "lesson" i've learned, that you just never know what the day might bring. no matter how bad you think it is, it always has the potential to turn around. especially when you have good friends about who love you. :)

i mean really. after a very sleepless tense night, waiting for the sun to come up then wishing it hadn't, i would hardly expect that to be the makings of a beautiful day. but life always surprises doesn't it?

talks with BOTH advisers went well, she actually smiled at me. PROGRESS. and after an email to her, she concedes that things are cleared up a bit. and can see things moving forward. setting a meeting for all three of us to come together. whoa.

lunch was with the whole lab and our student. complete with gonuts. (sugar high)

afternoon meeting with someone i later find out is also atenean went really well also. interesting challenge for the future.

and then i rush over to makati to hear a spanish guitar concert by an absolute God of spanish guitar. just to hear such quality music like that must do your soul a world of good. lex and i were in awe. everyone left smiling. they were forced to do 2 "encores". was it even right to keep clapping and ask? i guess it was. we left there saying "john mayer WHO???!"

during the concert lex kept turning to me and saying the guitar player reminded him so much of d. he did. similar intense expression, the half frown squinty eyes look. same accent (catalan too). even made the same grammatical errors. maybe d was telling the truth, there are a lot of people like him out there? i shall take it as a challenge to find out for myself... :)


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