27 September 2004

monday blues

today, i made someone cry. can you imagine!?? i had been away from the lab for a while, and i was chatting with one of my coworkers. i told her a story i had heard on oprah from gwenyth paltrow. my coworker started crying right then and there. middle of the lab, start of the work day, not even 10am yet, and i had made someone cry! that can't bode well for the rest of the week can it?

here's the story: i have to admit, it made me teary as well.

(background - for meow. cause she loves hearing about everything in FULL detail...
gwenyth paltrow's dad had just died recently, and she had a really really hard time dealing with it. they had a special father-daughter bond, and she was devastated that he was gone.)

when she was around 10 years old, her dad decided to surprise her for the weekend. he told her that they were going on a weekend trip to Paris. just the two of them. so off they went, they stayed at the Ritz, she ordered French fries because she had to have FRENCH french fries, went to museums and all the tourist stuff.

on the plane on the way back, he turned to her and asked, "do you know why we went, just the two of us? and mommy and your brother had their own time?"

she had no idea.

so her dad continued, "i wanted you to experience Paris for the first time with a man who will always love you no matter what."


At 5:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How I wish someone would say that to me (sigh). This story is really touching. No wonder you love Gwyneth so much. :)--DG nodding in agreement


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